PlataGO! Modding - 07 - Bouncing Monsters 01 - FireSlime

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Lord Blastalot will have to defeat legion of evil enemies, spawned from the malevolent darkness that comes to invade the land.

PlataGO! offers a preset of 3 bouncing enemies. Two are smaller in size, and the third one is bigger. I have not fully decided yet, but I think I'll make the 3rd one a boss as it's sprite sheet is way bigger than the other two.

Today I wiill focus on those other two monsters and I will work on the bouncing boss later.
Those two are going to be standard enemies that Blastalot will encounter multiple times along the levels.

Let's recap some requirements here:
Bouncing enemy A = 8 frames, PlataGO sprite size: 64 x 64 pixels, actual working size: 32 x 32 - standard enemy

Bouncing enemy B = 8 frames, PlataGO sprite size: 128 x 128 pixels, actual working size: 64 x 64 - standard enemy

Bouncing enemy C = 9 frames, PlataGO sprite size: 64 x 64 pixels, actual working size: 32 x 32 - standard enemy

As far as I know, PlataGO! does not allow custom length animations, so when modding the spritesheet, you can only replace the original frames number. It is a constraint I'll have to work with.

I am naming then enemies A, B and C in the order as they appear in the editor:

Platago default bouncing enemies

Platago default bouncing enemies

Bouncing enemy A: the Fire Slime

When looking at my collection of Creative Commons 0 artworks on OGA, I have spotted one interesting monster that coudl fit very well as a bouncing enemy: a Slime with fire on it's head by Spring Spring.
It's already animated, the colors are not too complex and it's of course under CC0 licence, so it's a really good start.

However, the only file available to download is a .gif, so I used an online gif-to-spritesheet converter that allows you to generate a sprite sheet from a gif! It's very useful, and a time saver as you can even choose how you want you spritesheet to be generated, with how many rows, columns, and frame size.

convert fif to sprite

online gif-to-sprite converter

So we end up with a 3 frames animation. However, our original Bouncing Enemy A here has 8 frames, so I'll have to cut one frame to constrain the animation in 8 frames. As it is a blobby animation, I think it should be fine.

But before that, I took some time to carefully recolor the sprites. After some trial and error with the Dawnbringer 32 color palette, I settled with something a little different than your average green or blue slime: a bright yellow slime with a mystical green fire.
I also took a detour and generated 32 color variations by combining different slimes colors with 4 fire colors. The original work being released under CC0 licence, I did the same with my remixes, and all the variations are Fire Slime remix page on OGA here.

Now the final steps, I copied the frames to make a second loop (6 frames), then I made a third loop with one less frames to sum it all up to 8 frames.
Here is the final animation result as a gif!

Then I upscaled the spritesheet by 200%, and aligned it with the default sprites in PlataGO! entities atlas.

Platago default bouncing enemy

Platago default bouncing enem

Aligning custom bouncing enemy

Aligning custom bouncing enemy

I deleted the old sprite, saved my atlas and I overwrote the existing entities file inside my PlataGO's User Folder.

Once I get back to the editing screen in Platago, I could select and place my custom enemy!
Modding platago with custom enemies

Modding platago with custom enemies

By default, PlataGO! plays the animations and loop them (this can be turned off with an option on the left menu). You will also notice that the monster's thumbnail has been automatically updated! Nice!

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