PlataGO! Modding - SUMMER BREAK !


As the demons number started to dwindle, Sir Blastalot catched his breath.

I've been spending 2 months already working hard on those assets, and now that summer is here I have been silent for iver three weeks. Rest assured though, the project is not dead, I just need a break with the coming of summer. I'm working full time during the day and I've been pushing through for that project at tnight, sometimes cutting sleep, etc.

I will keep working on the asset pace but at a slower pace through the summer and I'll resume the devlogs at fall. I have had to force myself to complete a big pixel art asset that I can't wait to show, but this how I keep the suspens...
I'll keep progressing on the pixel art and writing more articles, but let's adjust the pace a little ^^

As the focus started to shift, I took the decision to officially take a break, taking my minds off of the asset pack for a while before returning to it.

It's hot outside, I want to go out, I don"t have AC in my appartment, I need to take care of myself, all those things are important in order to keep the creativity flowing!

So rendez-vous in a few weeks for resuming that adventure, Sir Blastalot WILL return !

While I'm on break, why not offering me a coffee?

Buy Me a Coffee at

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