Sir Blastalot an exploration with PlataGO!

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Sir Blastalot against evilry in PlataGO! land


A few days ago, I somehow noticed that I had PlataGO! in my Steam library. I got a key for this software from a bundle.
As I like creating games and exploring gamedev, I just installed it to try it out. It's been a while since it has been released and development seems over, even after the Switch release in 2019.

PlataGO! Platformer2D Game Engine

PlataGO! Platformer2D Game Engine

The first thing I've noticed is that it seems to be a pretty straightforward and solid 2D platformer engine. However in my humble opinion, the graphics are somewhat inconsistant and I feel like it would benefit from something more unified.
I will not present PlataGO! in detail here, nor discuss if it is worth or not.

The only thing I want to specify is that PlataGO! is like a level engine, meaning that all games created with it will stay inside the PlataGO! ecosystem. It is possible to publish asset packs levels and games to Steam Workshop, download them and play inside PlataGO!

Now that I have a few years of dabbling in scripting with Godot, working with PlataGO! felt a lot more constraining and frustrating as  I wasn't able to to exactly what I wanted.
However, the tech side in me took over and I would soon be analyzing and trying to break down how stuff are made, especially graphics

I will work when I feel like it on a project made with PlataGO! and it will be an action oriented platformer, kinda cross path between Megaman and Ghouls'N'Goblins.
I will try to document and break down every tech aspect I encounter to make it accessible to more people!

Also, my secret dream is that the devs would notice my endeavor, and they would find it so cool that they would include it in the Switch port of PlataGO! ...

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